Hidden Heroes 2020
In 2020, we were fortunate enough to honor the Communications Bureau and the K9 Unit, right before Las Vegas went into a Covid lockdown. The Communications Bureau is what most civilians recognize as our dispatchers and our 911 responders. They respond to people who are probably experiencing the worst day of their lives, and often, they hear someone’s last words. They are also supporting and protecting our men and women on the front lines, giving them vital information so the officers can do their jobs. They are truly our hidden heroes. The K9 Unit may be on the front lines, but the significance of their role in de-escalation is often unrecognized. They risk their lives to preserve human lives. We were deeply moved by the stories of both the Communications Bureau and the K9 Unit that were shared that evening and were grateful we were able to meet so many of these heroes, including our four-legged ones.